
An upcoming change to OneDrive will let you view, rename, move, copy, and delete files without internet access.

Stay connected and productive even without an internet connection. With Microsoft 365 OneDrive, you can soon access, manage, and edit your files on OneDrive seamlessly, whether you’re online or offline. Simply launch OneDrive in your browser and enjoy the freedom to view, sort, rename, move, copy, and delete files, all without needing an internet connection. Plus, for locally stored OneDrive files marked as ‘always available offline,’ you can open and work on them in your browser, making collaboration easier than ever. Your offline changes will automatically sync back once you’re connected again.

Experience the power of Microsoft 365 OneDrive and unlock a new level of productivity today.

Teams Meeting Add-in in Outlook Support for Multi-Tenant Multi-Account Scenarios

In parallel with the new Teams client supporting multi-tenant multi-account scenarios, Teams meeting add-in in Outlook will also start supporting the ability for users to switch between multiple tenants and accounts to schedule Teams meetings. When this will happen:...

Understanding the Latest Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Teams Subscription Updates

When this will happen: October 2023 Enterprise Suites Starting from October, with regard to Office 365 E1/E3/E5 and Microsoft 365 E3/E5, only subscriptions without Teams will be available. These subscriptions will be priced €2 lower than the current rates. If a...

Loop component links will now open on Loop.microsoft.com

Loop component links that currently open in an editor on Office.com will now open on Loop.microsoft.com. User will have access to the same functionality as is available on Office.com. Users who have access to Loop workspace will also be able to leverage these...

Restricted Access Control for SharePoint and OneDrive Sites

We are introducing a new advanced capability for SharePoint Administrators to restrict SharePoint and OneDrive sites to specified users. With this feature, SharePoint administrators can restrict site access to specified users using Microsoft 365 group or AAD security...

Channel meeting invitation | Allow organizer to send a channel meeting invite to everyone in team

Overview: Channel meeting invitations will now allow channel meeting organizers the ability to share invites on personal calendars of all channel members. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 142405 When this will happen: Standard Release: We will...

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