Our new “Who can see this?” option in the file action menu will allow users to view and/or manage who has access to a file result. Users can only manage file permissions if they are the owner of the file or have permissions to update the file and its permissions. The aim of this feature is to help users understand why they are seeing a file in their search results and adjust its permissions as needed more easily on the search page. This will appear on file results in Microsoft Search in Bing, Office.com, SharePoint, and Feed.

Note: This will not appear on Microsoft Search in Bing for DoD or Gallatin tenants as Microsoft Search in Bing is not fully supported there yet.

When this will happen:

We will begin rolling out in Microsoft Search in Bing, Office.com, SharePoint, and Feed in mid-July and expect to complete by mid-September 2023 (previously late August).

How this will affect your organization:

Users in your organization will be able to view and manage who has access to a file result. It will not affect any existing workflows.

What you need to do to prepare:

You may want to notify your users about this change and update your training and documentation as appropriate.

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Looking for Microsoft 365 Consultancy or Support? Reach out to Alexander Zoutenbier via LinkedIn for expert assistance.